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What is ?      FileCrypt is Futures' proprietary file encryption service. FileCrypt uses AES256 as the base encryption algorithm, and FileCrypt uses Futures' "cryptographic key sequencing" (CKS) technology as part of the process to encrypt and decrypt files. CKS creates additional layers of complexity that make FileCrypt encrypted files resistant to nation state level brute forcing. We believe our technology can help protect any file against any adversary, even if they know the password used to encrypt the file. By default the service encrypts files. You must select the "decrypt" option if you wish to decrypt a file. What is ?      File#ash is a web service interface that provides the ability to upload a file, the services then calculates various hash values for your file, and then the service displays the list of hash values for the uploaded file. File#ash returns 14 different hash algorithm values for your file. The file is not kept on the server any longer than the time needed to process the hashes. We remove the uploaded file as soon as the hashes are calculted. Removal of the file is performed using a secure delete feature to help protect the information you uploaded. What is ?      MetaScrub is a web service interface that provides the ability to upload a file, show and remove MetaData information embedded within the file, and return the scrubbed file to the user. MetaData within a file may contain usernames, user account information, software used to create the file, timestamps, GPS location information, company information, network information, etc. It is recommended that MetaData be scrubbed from files before they are posted to an internet website such as social media, so the information cannot be used for malicious purposes by hacker groups or adversaries. Removal of the file is performed using a secure delete feature to help protect the information you uploaded. What is ?      WIMI is a web service interface that provides the user with information about their system. WIMI stands for "What Is My Information". The information includes the IP Address the service sees as you access the internet, the network port used by your system, the hostname of your system (based on a reverse DNS lookup of the IP Address), the request method used, the client request protocol, and the identification headers your browser sent to our server when accessing the service. This service has been recommended to TOR users to validate they are utilizing the service, properly, and not being seen from their own IP addresses, when trying to use the service for anonymity purposes. What if I have questions about the services?      Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the service! |
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NOTE: Our services only utilize browser cookies for the purpose of protecting your files. Cookies are short lived and reset for
every transaction performed with our systems. Our services do not utilize third-party applications to track you or your system.